At a time when many bands are moving toward minimalism as far as packaging and presentation, it is easy to long for the days of the past. When one would browse the record store racks and find hidden gems based on the incredible cover art that said 'listen to me, I dare you'. Many a metalhead surely discovered classic records like Don't Break the Oath by Merciful Fate or Matando Gueros by Brujeria in this manner.
Recognizing this pillar of metal, Rochester quintet Undeath have certainly gone the distance when it comes to the art of their second full length album, It's Time...To Rise from the Grave (Prosthetic Records).
While it's one thing to show what to expect, the truth is in the music itself.
And the truth here is certainly what one would expect: ten excellent, gruesome tracks of death metal goodness. A young band they might be, Undeath is poised to be one of death metal's next sensations with excellent blend of traditional death metal elements with slam and grindcore grooves.
No nonsense opener, "Fiend for Corpses", opens the album under a gory banner of death metal goodness. "Rise from the Grave" channels the best elements of Carcass and General Surgery, resulting in a churning track certain to get the pit moving.
Take caution with the start-stop passages of "Enhancing The Dead", particularly when headbanging along to the track. Likewise, expect major circle pit outbreaks with the fast paced "Funeral Within" and the equally aggressive "Human Chandelier". Saving arguably the heaviest for last, closing track "Trampled Headstones" provides some of the fiercest breakdowns and soaring guitar solos on the album.
The Metal Mayan review: 5/5
Having seen Undeath on tour with The Black Dahlia Murder last year, the response from the crowd proved that, while new to the scene, the band is already well respected in the community. Expect to see them go far in the coming years now that tours are making their way around the world again.
While each track is top notch death metal, I had "Rise from the Grave" on repeat. I found vibes comparably to that of Left Hand Pathology by the aforementioned General Surgery; a stellar execution of a unique element indeed.
I definitely admire the epic cover art, it certainly makes the album stand out among the rest. This is one reason why I value hard copies of music, whether it's CD or vinyl, so you have something to admire as you listen to the album.
Catch Undeath on tour with Dying Fetus and Chelsea Grin April to June, and be sure to pick up a copy of It's Time...To Rise from the Grave, out 22 April on Prosthetic Records!
Editor's Note: the video for "Rise from the Grave" is age restricted so we are sharing the audio video here. Check out the real video for the song in its gory goodness here.
Advanced copy courtesy of Breaking the Law PR and Prosthetic Records
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